Well, happy Thursday friends. Also I think you should know that this is in fact my second time writing this post, as I accidently clicked open a link within my current tab deleting the whole post I'd written 😭. Alas the fate of many a foolish user of the internet who fails to remember--you can never trust autosave. However, the fact that I am rewriting everything should prove to you my dedication to the topic, which is sharing the work of some amazing artists who are always inspiring me.
This year I realized how amazing it is to own prints from artists I like. I don't know why I'd never recognized that before, I suppose I always thought buying arts is a thing adults do...but then I realized, hey I am an adult, so I'm going to buy some art. I was given an etsy gift card for my birthday and I saved it for most of the year till finally I went all out and bought art from multiple artists I'd been following for years but never actually bought anything from. And the old adage is true, seeing art in person is WAY better than seeing it on the screen. Well ok, that's not really an adage, but it should be. So, let me show you some of my favorites. You can click on the photo to visit each artist's website!
First up on my list of artists who inspire me and make me smile is Astrid Sheckels. She's an illustrator who works in incredibly detailed and imaginative watercolor. I purchased a few cards from her initially, cut the backs off and hung them over my desk, and I just love them. They each tell their own story. I also ended up going back again in November and getting one of her small calendars which I've been so excited to put up in January. She's also an author and has written a series of children's books that feature her amazing illustrations.
Next is Edson Forest, an artist in Spain who works in watercolors, pencil, and digital art. She creates the most cozy environments in her artwork, and I have a couple postcard sized prints hanging over my desk as well. They are so homey, they make me happy.
Samantha Boyer is an artist who has really inspired me, and recently my mom bought me one of her paintings. She creates using acrylics, and her style draws on dark hues and glowy sparkles to create a mysterious, magical, and really thoughtful effect.
There are also a few artists' who pieces I would someday love to aquire, so I thought I'd share a screenshot of a favorite piece from each of their websites.
Sofie Swetter Fine Art has the most beautiful landscape style pieces, with lovely watercolor detail and a beautiful color palette. I love this Christmas piece by her.
Natasha Tarasova's art is simply breathtaking. I feel like I'm in this picture when I look at it, picking cherries with the little girls, despite the fact that I've never picked cherries before. There is so much peace and calm in this piece and others by her, as she depicts lovely homey scenes both indoors and out.
Another artist who I love is Emily Duffin. She creates illustrations that seemed to have popped out of a storybook. I love this gentleman badger.
This post is unfortunately a bit late for people to order Christmas gifts through them, as that was my original intent in recommending their websites and art. However, I'm still going to post it, as seeing beautiful art puts a smile on my face, so I hope it does on yours as well. I hope you all had a joyful Thanksgiving! Look out next week a little reveal of a new painting I've been working on as my Christmas gift to you :)
Soli Deo Gloria, friends!